Mindfulness Practice
Mindfulness is the cornerstone of adequate coping. Invite your head to where your feet are. By focusing on the present moment, we can break free from the grip of anxiety and depression that keeps us trapped in the past (depression) or future (anxiety). With mindfulness-based practice, you'll learn how to bring your full attention to the present moment so you can enhance your quality of life.
Take deep slow breaths to slow the body, slow the rate of your breathing, and heart rate.
Notice your presence in the room, the pressure of your feet on the ground, your arms resting on the chair, and the position of your hands, stay aware.
Take a few seconds to notice the moment. What is happening around you? Become aware of the safety of the moment, notice that there is nothing threatening you, that perhaps nothing is really happening, is it quiet? Is anyone or anything trying to get your attention? Notice that you are safe.
Work with your 5 senses to notice qualities of your environment to get into the room. For example: color of the wall, texture of the chair, temp of room, feeling of breath going in your nose, sound of your exhale, lights, colors, smells etc....
Continue to sit with a small corner of the world until your system settles down
Physical Comfort Getting physically comfortable can also help with being in the moment and curbing emotional discomfort. It is important to notice that what is occurring in our mind is not taking place in the moment. We do not have to give our thoughts the power to shut down our system. During these moments caring for our system is still important rest and relaxation are positive ways to meet our needs. Refer to self-care for more on this topic.
Grounding Techniques: Warm shower, bubble bath, walk, listen to music and sing along, counting, tapping, deep breathing, ispy game.
The goal is to get out of your thoughts and into the physical environment and notice what is going on in the NOW. However you can find a safe way to slow your system and bring your attention to the moment to notice that the intensity of your thoughts is not occurring now. In addition, notice that you are safe. This will allow you to restart your day and move forward in a more positive way.