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The integration of spirituality can have a profound impact on adaptive coping and it can play a role in life's purpose for many. It is important to uncover how your individual belief system can incorporate your own version of spirituality to provide hope, comfort, and guidance. Whether you identify as religious, spiritual, or somewhere in between, I am here to support you in finding a sense of connection with something greater than yourself if you are open to it. I believe that by addressing the spiritual dimension of our lives, we can achieve a greater sense of well-being and wholeness.


Higher Power
Life's Principles

Beliefs formed through personal experiences play a crucial role in shaping our values and guiding our behavior. One specific belief, the belief in a higher power, grants us a sense of purpose and significance by acknowledging the existence of something greater than ourselves in the universe. During challenging times, this belief serves as a source of comfort, assuring us that there is a divine plan unfolding. Furthermore, it inspires us to strive for personal growth and self-improvement as we align ourselves with the principles and teachings of our chosen higher power. Additionally, this belief cultivates a sense of gratitude for the blessings in our lives and encourages us to face challenges with resilience and determination. Moreover, the belief in a higher power fosters a sense of community and connection among like-minded individuals who share similar beliefs. It serves as a common ground for people to come together, support one another, and find strength in unity. This sense of belonging offers solace and support, especially in difficult times.

A very general example is if we believe that we put positive energy into the universe it is more likely we will receive or be surrounded by positive energy in return. This will perhaps motivate us to move more positively in the world. If we believe that hurt people tend to hurt people, we may be more likely to respond with more compassion and understanding toward that person. This exchange of energy may be referred to as karma. This may be something that we could consider greater than us. What are some of the principles of life that you live by? Are there any beliefs that you feel you need to live by, standards you need to live up to because perhaps your loved ones are looking over you, or it may bring bad luck, or your conscience will be unsettled if you behave otherwise? Put some thought to your belief system around this concept of a higher power.

Letting Go

In our therapeutic work, we place attention on what is and what is not in our control as a way to work on stress management. In the spiritual realm sometimes acceptance can be difficult, however, by trusting in something greater than us, it can be easier to let go. For example, allow the universe to handle a situation instead of taking it upon ourselves.  Having faith that things will work out the way that they are supposed to, and being open to the lessons that life is offering to us can help us to adapt, and move gracefully through challenging times. This allows us to focus on ourselves and not so much on others. The experience allows for others to have their process and for us to create distance if needed to stay safe, or to manage our emotions accordingly. 

If we choose not to let go, we find ourselves holding on to thoughts, emotions and questioning what we should do in a situation that we have no power over. Have you ever found yourself perseverating over a situation that you found was unfair, questioning how to make it right? Perhaps staying angry at a person for the purpose of teaching them a lesson, when in reality it hurts you more? It is important to tend to your own needs in this case and let the person work out their own to maintain your highest sense of self. Reminding yourself of this belief system can sometimes be reassuring to your system and help with acceptance. 

You are practicing being unconditional to your own system as well as to others by allowing both your and the other persons process and holding space for both. Always stay aware of what you are feeling, if you are feeling negativity tend to that. What occurs inside of you is your process and your responsibility. What are the unmet needs inside of you that need to be acknowledged? Lets stops and take a moment to satisfy them. Remember, it is when they go unmet that they become louder and more dissatisfied and the feeling becomes more intense. Let go of what is not yours and take action on what is in your control. 

Touching the Surface


Connection can play a role spiritually a few different ways: to your own spirit, others spirit, and to those you have lost who have left a void in your soul.


First, to connect to your own spirit/soul, it is important to spend time with yourself and listen to your own intuition. Listen to your gut feeling as it navigates you through the world and tells you what feels right and what doesn't. You can learn so much about your core values and belief system this way. Also, pay attention to your inner most thoughts during moments of silence while in the car, or while falling asleep, taking a shower, during a hike, or meditating. Do you get any inspiring ideas, or thoughts? This is your intuition. 


Second, connecting to other's spirit/soul. When around others you can listen to your own intuition, or gut feeling to get "vibes" or sensations. These sensations may offer information about this other person, right? Take a minute to reflect on this....... perhaps, this person's mood, if they are approachable or not, friendly vs. not really sociable, safe vs. dangerous. Start to notice this more, do you internalize other's emotions? Have you ever been anxious and not sure why? Are you sure it is your anxiety or could it be someone else's in the room? In our therapeutic work we may have discussed emotional boundaries which is sorting out what is yours and what is not. In the spiritual world a person who can pick up on other's emotions in this way is referred to as an empath.


Lastly, connection can be extremely helpful in the grief and loss arena when we lose someone who played an important role in our life and has left us feeling a sense of emptiness inside. How can we stay connected spiritually? This can be really meaningful, and maintain a level of satisfaction. When we have a loved one who has impacted us so substantially, and life is now going to change, it requires us to adapt in a really big way. It can be satisfying to acknowledge the existence of our loved ones and their impacts. We can continue to talk to them, acknowledge those things that they have taught us when we use those skills, recognize features that we may have acquired from them in the mirror when we get ready for our day, hang pictures to remember them, play songs or go places that remind us of them. Stay connected and most importantly be grateful for the time we had to be exposed to such love, lessons and memories with this person.  




The most important concept as you move along your journey is LOVE. We experience love as we grow, as we learn, the depth of our selves become deeper as does our ability to love. As we develop we become more unconditional, our ability to accept others as they are, and the world around us as it is becomes easier as we begin to apply understanding. Perhaps understanding that everyone has a journey of growth, everyone is presented with the same lesson until they catch on to it, they will then move on to the next. Once we can understand this, we can have patience for others instead of feelings of discomfort. This plays into being unconditional. 


We first learn to love ourselves, becoming our own protector, making decisions in our own best interest, satisfying our self, listening to self to satisfy unmet needs, finding that sense of security in self. We see the process unfold in ourself and become empowered and we learn to trust it, and then we can find and trust it in others. As we gain a sense of compassion, acceptance, and understanding our perspective shifts and becomes more open, and we realize the uniqueness of all beings external to us. They can present us with an opportunity to learn and grow if we are open to that.


Of course we aren't expected to interact closely with all people or things that exist in this world, but to hold space for all people and things to exist as they are, to co-exist with grace would be ideal. This would allow your system to maintain optimum stability, while still managing what is in your control, and holding a level of love for yourself and your surroundings. Feeling that sense of warmth, holding onto positive regard for everyone, and minimizing any internal conflict that may arise. This occurs on a spiritual level, and takes some spiritual work to get to this space of acceptance of self and the world in which you exist. 

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